Blessings for Tipitapa
I have fallen comfortably and happily back into my daily routines of work, family, church, etc. I am thinking of Tipitapa every day and the rememberance of someone's face or some kind words spoken to me still makes me smile. I miss the people there very badly, but I am looking forward to visiting again next year on another mission trip and praying it will happen. I have stopped hoping my husband will suddenly get an urge to sell everything and move there. I met a little boy there named Norlan and he asked me to send him a Spanish Bible when I returned home. I promised I would. It seemed like a very simple and easy to keep promise. But, when I returned home and went to the UPS/FedEx store and learned it would cost me more than $220.00 to keep that promise, my heart dropped and I felt even further than ever from the people I grew to love during my week there. Before too long, I had complained enough about the distance I was feeling and a friend whose husband works for an airline offered to use their 75% discount to mail it for me...still more than $50.00 but it's a lot better and my spirits lifted a bit. I was sad about not being able to keep in touch easily with the people I met there, when a friend (thanks Jessica) told me how to set up MSN Messenger and get a webcam, so now I can see them and "talk" to them whenever they are online. I am the mercy of their schedules, of course, but it's a lot more fun and instant and personal than email. Now the only complaint I have is that when I see Jessica, Leo, and Isaac online...they are right THERE, but I can't hug them! Oh well, I'll wait until next year for the hugs and pray that God provides the opportunity and funds for me to go again. God has made some really awesome things happen since we returned-barely a month ago. The interpretter we wanted to buy a home for Howard, has gotten his home and his family is moved in in time for Chrsitmas. We actually received so much financial blessing, we were able to buy another interpretter, Oscar and his wife a home too! It is amazing what God can do when we are obedient. He asks us sometimes for things that seem so unrealistic and impossile (like when he asked me to go to Manaugua) but if we just trust and obey, He pours out blessings we never imagined we even needed. So, congratulations to Howard and Oscar and their families, and thank you God for contnuing to show us how BIG you are.
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